Upcoming Events


Members Lunches - Third Friday of every month

Ladies Lunch - First Friday of every month


Craft Fair 1st June

12.00 - 18.00

Open to all members and guests.


At least 12 stalls selling varied handmade items.

Bar will be open, bar snacks and homemade beefburgers will be available.


If you have any questions, please contact Ellie at ellielustig@sky.com or text on 07429185996


Paella with Raging Bull Company 8th June



Traditional Mixta Paella

Paella Vegetarian


Served with green leaf salad


Tomato, cucumber & onion salad


Price £22.50 Members

£25.00 Guests


Exclusive one week booking window for Members and their spouse/partner

Booking available to Member's guests thereafter.


To book a space and for any dietary requirements, contact Ellie on ellielustig@sky.com





Sun  12.00pm to 6.00pm

Mon  09.30 am to 8.00pm

Tues  09.30 am to 8.00pm

Wed  09.00 am to 8.00pm

Thurs 09.30 am to 8.00pm

Fri     09.30 am to 10.00pm

Sat    11.00am to 8.00pm


The above times represent access to the Club facilities and the availability of the self serve coffee machine


Service in the Bar Commences from 11.30 a.m



Jamie Angus

Vice Chairman

Peter Goodman


Karen Phillips  


  +44   (0)1273 730872        NEW EMAIL ADDRESS:





Dress code



Smart casual attire (Jacket/tie not essential)


Tailored open-neck shirts or blouses including polo shirts, no T-shirts. All shirts must be collared.


Tailored trousers (inc Chinos)


Skirts and dresses


Tailored shorts from 1st May - End of September


Clean Jeans permitted. Jeans with  rips and tears NOT allowed even if that is their design.


Sportswear is not permitted


Shoes, boots, deck shoes and smart trainers are permitted,  Wellington Boots, flip flops or sandals are NOT permitted. Appropriate footwear must be worn in the club at all times.



In the event of very hot weather any temporary amendments to the dress code will be displayed on the Notice Board in the Lobby area.


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